Happy BIRTH Day!!!
Doulightful Babies & Their Families

Miss Ana Camila
September 17, 2018
It was truly a beautiful moment to be there as my Alpha Chi Omega Sister, Laura, became a Mama! (Side Note: If you're an Alpha Chi, I will sing AXO songs for at your birth for your Legacy.)
Baby Ana Camila, an Alpha Chi Omega Legacy, made her way earth side at 11:52 am, weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring 19 inches long after surprising all of us with a faily short labor for an induction!
Congratulations Laura on your beautiful and Doulightful little blessing!
Miss Kacy Louise
June 24, 2018
At 9 pounds 12 ounces and 23 1/4 inches long, this Doulightful Baby made her way into the world at 3:25 am! Happy BIRTH day! This was such a beautiful experience for me at my first home birth and I am truly HONORED to have been allowed the privilege of witnessing this Mama’s AMAZING strength! I am truly in awe of what women can do and that their pain isn’t weakness. It is PURE, RAW POWER and I surely saw a POWERFULLY STRONG Mama do extraordinary things in the wee small hours of the morning!
Congratulations Jessica and Joseph on the new addition to your family!

Miss Annetta Mae
March 7, 2018
Miss Annetta Mae was born after surprising her "Doulightful" Mama by breaking her water early in the morning before contractions had started. She was born the next day at 12:13 pm weighing 6 lbs 15 ounces and 20.5 inches long after 28 hours of labor, 22 of which I was able to be present for.
Congratulations Deanna and Matt on your beautiful baby girl! It was truly an honor to serve you during your BIRTH!
More "Doulightful" Babies Arriving Soon!
Spring 2025
Stay tuned for the birth of more "Doulightful" Babies!